complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


# drunk history... for giggles

Drunk History "Detroit"

So this show, Drunk History, has been out for a looong time. But it was quite the mood lifter for me today. It actually made me laugh out loud a few times, which was ... fun. It was also a fair bit uncomfortable, too. Drunk people are usually very annoying when you're the sober one, so some aspects of the show are kind of embarrassing.

I've been feeling crap these past few days - like the kind of crap where Im literally in bed all day, agitated by loud noises, fatigued, shades not drawn, still in my pjs for days, just let me sleep, kind of crap. But today hubby had off so we spent a majority of it in bed, having emotional *business time* and marathon tv. It was glorious for this turtling depressive.

Tomorrow I have planned to tackle some of these messy piles throughout the house. Shit is a wreck around here, and it's very stressful just to look at. So, one thing at a time, I'm going to TRY and not get overwhelmed, and just clean a small portion of my room. Hopefully that will be the impetus I need to go on autopilot and tackle other parts of the house.

I've also decided it's time to re-dye my hair. Yay! I've actually been excited about this for weeks, yet just haven't had the energy to leave the house and be around people in order to pick up supplies. Maybe I'll be able to tomorrow. My black hair has missed being pink. Since cutting off my ugly dreadlocks, I've been pining for my long, curly, pink hair. I honestly believe that having bright colored hair helps with my moods (sometimes.) When I was thinner it definitely did, but I was a lot more motivated to do things I just can't do as a married mom of 3 little 'uns. Or is that just my excuse?

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