complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


#i wanna WoW with you

Been playing WoW again after a long time away. I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing yet.

It's most fun when SigOth and I play together. I miss the social part of the game, which is pretty nonexistent for me right now. I don't think we'll ever have another guild of people we could call "friends". Some of them were even RL friends.

There comes a point in life too where you just don't have the energy to invest over and over again in new people. I don't know, though.

For now, everyone is playing Legion,  but Im having some good times with my mid level alt, doing old dungeons, and taking my time enjoying story lines I missed since the last few expansions.


#i dont want to talk to you anymore

Maybe I've just been in a really bad mood lately. PMS? Well my SigOth has been really mouthy lately, and my tolerance for his constant remarks have been dwindled.  I don't know if its me just being super sensitive and jumpy in conclusions, but I don't even want to talk to him anymore. Like, ever.

I feel like he's a compulsive talker, but not in a chit-chat way. But a way where he needs to have the last word, he has to "lift the tension" with saying something fucking stupid or corny when Im trying to be serious, always putting his two cents in even if its not related to what we/I'm specifically talking about (the last word), and always using filler remarks even if there is no silence - in other words, talking over people with contrived agreements or corroboration.

He is even so compelled to add onto a conversation that he will say things that aren't even necessarily true, or that he's not even aware aren't true. He's not lying on purpose, but like i say he just can't stfu and stand there in silence, or add on. It drives me fucking crazy.

I don't remember him being this bad when we were first dating, but i think he's always done it. I never enjoyed it, but its already been many years that I've been getting on his case about it. I also know that other people have called him out on it - talking over people.

Sometimes i want to scream at him and ive even gotten to the point of telling him to stop talking while he's going on and on at other people. I know this is a bitchy thing to do, but its' like the kind of talking that does absolutely NOTHING to propel a conversation, and the back and forth between him and the other person is literally a waste of time that accomplishes nothing.

This morning we had a little bit of that. We were talking about something he brought up and I shared an experience I had on the topic, and then he concludes my story with a stupid remark that I think might have been intended to be funny. Only it wasn't. It was kind of rude, and I took it as him being snarky.

I just find myself shutting down more and more, not wanting to even talk to him afterwards. I even find myself not wanting to talk to him at all, ever. I often wonder if we could survive a marriage of mostly "yes" and "no" conversations out of necessity. I should just move out. *laughs*

#i dont want to read to you anymore

Ive been super irritated with my family. I just had a blow up at my kids for being , well, kids. I was reading to them and they were making noise, walking around, and not really caring what i was reading to them. Maybe they were right and the crap i was reading to them was boring AF.

I concluded the reading session abruptly by telling them I would send them back to school so they could learn some [expletive] manners and consideration. It was not my best moment. The sad part is we just got home from getting donuts. I wanted to give them something fun for the day, and instead i end up throwing a tantrum at them.