complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


# i either need to be on or off

I found this funny image online:

This really made me smile considering all my issues with social media and technology. I love blogging, though. It really helps me sort through thoughts and get restless energy out. But lets be real - I would rather stay home and read a book than socialize. I would rather stick my face in a newspaper and pretend to be intently reading than talk to a random stranger for no reason other than to socialize.

I really need to establish new habits because Twitter is not a good outlet for me, but because I have a bit of a compulsion to "express my thoughts", Im likely to do it there. It's fast, easy, but not productive, with the exception of a few fun things. Most people do longer-Twitter on Facebook, but thank goodness I've gotten out of that habit. So why is Twitter so hard? I don't even follow anyone I know IRL, and neither to they follow me. It's a weird entity to me. (By the way, the twitter listed for the blog is not the account to which I'm referring.)

I expect I'll still go back and forth on this issue until I can gather the will or whatever, make some new habits, and escape the Twitterverse. Its sometimes quite toxic, too, especially for overly emotional types. And what the hell can really be expressed appropriately in 140 characters?

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