complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


I was prompted to think about this today while reading another blog. The question had to do with the killing of women and children in the old testament.

I realize this thread has continued on into something else but I just wanted to post my most basic thoughts on this:

This has always been a problem for me. I can't imagine how killing children is ever OK. Why did God have to do it this way? I've always asked this. There are only two forms of comfort I can draw for myself and only ONE of them I am sure of:

The first is that I pray for all those souls taken and that the most innocent, the ones before the age of accountability, are in God's presence even now. For the rest I can only hope there be some other opportunity for repentance, since this is before the cross.

The Second, and most correct, is that JESUS came to do away with ALL of this. If we were to live as Jesus and follow his example, there would be no war, no killings of any kind, etc. I am naive, i know. I am unrealistic as I truly wish our country would stop waring, and start helping those in need without the use of our guns.  Our country is supposed to be a haven for ALL refugees and we've failed to be so in modern times.

In short, I honestly don't think I can ever emotionally reconcile the slaughter of children during OT times. But that is a picture of how serious God is. And that should make us run to Jesus for the salvation he brings, of course, but also for the PEACE  he brings between God and man, and ideally man and man. If only everybody wanted peace.

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