complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


anxiety attack

Had a terrible anxiety attack today from house cleaning adventures. We were having people over in the afternoon and time was running out on our house cleaning. I felt completely overwhelmed and the house wasn't even that messy. My hubby had to lead to me to the couch and give me a glass of wine to relax. I was in tears and starting to have constricted breathing.  It was not pretty.

Eventually the house got clean. It wasn't perfect, but good enough. I think I was stressing because I wanted it to be perfect. I would fixate on one aspect not being perfect (or admittedly just plain flawed), and that would cause a spiral of thought which eventually lead me to breakdown mode. It was not fun times. But the visit with guests was actually really nice.

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