complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


2 weeks. An update.

I had a really good day yesterday and for part of the day today.🍃
We had choir last night and it was great. I think singing is so therapeutic. Gayle my choir neighbor was encouraging me to come to Simpson’s community choir practice. I had forgotten but they had started rehearsals a week prior.🍃
I asked Gayle what they were singing and she said it was Brahm’s requiem. Well i got incredibly excited. I’ve never even heard it before but i like Brahm’s, so i was excited. Still, my excitement was probably too over the top & it showed a little on the surface as i was kind of talkative after that, but i did what i could to control myself.🍃 
So i came home with a migraine but felt in good spirits, a little stressed from not having finished theory homework but happy.🍃 
Today on the way home from class i stopped at Dutch Bros to get Jim a coffee, and myself some iced tea. Usually i don’t want to engage in conversation with the window attendants, who without fail always ask about our plans for the day. Before i could stop myself i just started engaging this young man and soon we were talking about music. It was a great interaction.🍃 
Since I’ve been home I’ve done nothing productive. I forgot my meds but i don’t think that was why i couldn’t do my homework. I just… didn’t want to. Rather, i was in avoidance, perhaps because i know how stressful it is to me and my slow brain.🍃 
At the moment, i am about to take a shower and I’m feeling super emotional. Well maybe not SUPER, but indeed i am feeling emotional, and i had to stop myself from crying in front of Owen& Jim while i was waiting for Andrew to get out of the shower.🍃 
Plus, I’ve been very overheated and just could not cool down in the 74 degrees air conditioning.🍃 
I guess these ups and downs are going to take a while to balance out.🍃

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