complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


# not calm, but not freaking out

I've got my noise cancelling headphones on right now just so I can drown out the loudness of the boys. It helps. Yesterday I actually spent all day out in the living area with everyone, and not hiding in my bedroom like a freaked out kitty. At the moment though I am escaping just a bit, just so I can write and wander the interwebs, looking at vandwelling and van camping sites. Summer is coming.

I'd like to just be able to take the van and LEAVE this suburbia behind. An RV would be awesome, but lets start small, eh! I(we) could go off and explore the local mountains, drive on to the oceanside on a whim, take a nap on the side of the road in one of the small mountain towns along the way, etc. My three boys *might* be ok with this as long as there was comfort. My eldest, though, would probably complain of being bored. The 2 littles would be easier to deal with as I discovered when we had to trek for 2 days in our van whilst returning from my grama's funeral. (I still intend to finish the story...eventually.)  I was surprised by their sense of adventure, although Middlest was D-O-N-E with it after 2 days.

Anyway, I'm trying not to go down the rabbit hole of obsessive thought on this issue because I can easily become overwhelmed with the *OH-MY-GOD-I-NEED-TO-FIGURE-THIS-OUT-RIGHT-NOW* compulsions. But I would like to start thinking about some  get-a-way plans. The kids truly are what give me the most anxiety on this. Especially if Im planning on traveling alone with them, since Husband works so damn much.

Baby steps, so they say. And perhaps I'll post pictures of improvements, or anything, I do to the van. I can't really modify anything in there, so that limits what "improvements" I can make.

cool article on some van dwellers:

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