complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.



I wonder what other people take when they're feeling out of control of their anxiety. I didn't have any tincture. I don't even know if I want to get any more since things were so inconsistent. It makes me frustrated because the lasting effects were nice...when it worked. But i felt like a fricken neurotic person last night. I wouldnt be surprised if I actually fit the description of neurotices (or however you spell it). I've gone through phases of using alcohol to sooth whatever anxiousness Ive felt in the past, but it doesn't always work the way I want and only serves to make me sleepy. Yes, its nice to feed giddy for an hour but after that you're pretty much back to square one. And Im not getting tanked around my kids. Anyway, hubby came home last night, I was bouncing off the walls starting to get really weird, and I decided I'd take some Nyquil to help knock me out for the night. (We were out of Zquil) I don't know if it was my own weird stimulatory issues or the Nyquil or what, but I woke up abruptly as I was starting to relax and be asleep with itchy sensations all over my body, mostly my legs. I had leggings on in bed so I quickly kicked them off and felt a bit better. This is actually something that happens from time to time but I've never been able to link it to anything, rather always assumed it was just my own nervous system going nuts on its own. Perhaps its linked to the stress, who knows.
So yeah, I think Im neurotic.I suppose that doesn't change anything.

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