complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


# template to keep myself on track

I thought it might be a good idea to keep a template of things I need to address when writing my journal so I can basically keep myself accountable... to myself. lol. It should also HOPEFULLY keep me focused, succinct, and ... something else. I dunno, I can't concentrate these days, remember.

therapy discussions:  Here i will write about what transpired in my therapy. If I quit going to my therapist I will most likely continue to learn about ptsd/depression/anxiety/obsessive issues probably in conjunction with faith based philosophies. Here is where I'll write some of those things out.

eating habits: Just a general record of foods i eat. I'm trying to juice more, eat healthier on a more regular basis, and document how well I'm accomplishing this, as well as how I feel physically.

exercise: Have I been keeping up with my plan? Do I have a plan? How am I feeling, etc, etc, blahblahblah.

vitamins: Crap, I forgot to take my vitamins.

projects: Have I done anything interesting for myself? For others? Family excursions taken? Anything fun or interesting or educational? (One day I will write I'VE BEEN BUILDING MY COB HOUSE!! And then I'll know for sure that life has gotten better.) Basically I want to be less idyl and in the habit of thinking that there's always something to do, even if it's boring but useful.

cat: I've been getting more depressed and therefore lazy about posting funny kitty gifs and pics. So at least one will go in this section.

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