Just a few thoughts:
Had we stayed in Chico I think I would’ve been a libtard. I miss that place and was feeling sad the other day, and as I was listening to an unschooling podcast (a topic various groups of people are involved in) I got a shock of a feeling: that had we stayed, because I sway more left on a lot of things , or at least the idea of certain things, I would’ve been lost. I think it’s true.
We just got done with Memorial Day. We stayed home . Hubs and I took a walk last night with the Littles at the track in C-wood. They took their light sabers and were chasing each other around with them. They tend to go all out expensing their energy and get really tired right away. haha.
Small tasks. I want to be useful. I want to see God. I want to hear from Him. I think I need to show Him that I can be responsible with small tasks first. The notion of making the bed came up, like how soldiers are trained early on. But also bible reading, or family prayers could be others. Maybe all three. ?
I don’t know what to write about these days. My anxiety and crap just seem to get worse. I went to Walmart with Hubby the other day when it wasn’t even that busy, and I nearly lost it. I feel like I need to stop fighting against myself even more. I try to accept my limitations but sometimes things have to get done. But, what if I need to detach even more from the outside world? It’s hard when being here in this place (neighborhood) can make me crazy with all the noise & feelings of not being safe (the fence and rude neighbors).