complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


# purging

I took a lot of my handbags to the goodwill today. I never owned fancy ones, I just have a bad habit of collecting things. I think a lot of it is from constantly being dissatisfied with clothing and accessories, and *settling* for whatever is easily available or ready-to-wear. My hatred for the whole stupid system of ready-to-wear has grown over the years, that Im basically just giving up. I guess that's good if you're a person trying to curb your consumerism.

I wanted to take a picture of my crap but decided against it, thinking that it might only serve to make me miss my old stuff, something that can happen to me after I get rid of things. I guess I have another bad habit of developing very strong emotional attachment to *stuff*, something I hate about myself. Best not to look at the past, only forward.

Next phase:
Or makeup. I'd love to get rid of aaaalllll my makeup, but I don't have quite that much confidence yet.

what the fuk is all this horrid random violence against children? Just read a horrible story from Taiwan. Another assault on a tiny child similar to the one from Russia a month or so ago. Disgusting. One day the children will have their justice.

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