I went for a walk yesterday. No pressure, no attempt to get exercise or accomplish anything other than exist for at least 30 minutes out in the sunshine. I was taking a leaf out of the kitty handbook.
I took my son - because he's homeschooled - and although I sometimes find that having another person around is somewhat difficult and mentally exhausting, it was nice to just not be alone.
I think it helped. I did feel in a better mood for the rest of the day, and even went to sit outside later on for a recharge.
I often feel suddenly exhausted or "heavy" when the sun goes down. I always joke that I'm solar powered because of this. I sometimes literally fight back a cry when this happens. And then a strange anxiety will come over me and contribute to my insomnia. That's what it seems like anyway.
Lately I've given up on the tincture and have been taking ZzzQuil to force myself to sleep. I don't know if its a good thing to rely on this medicine but at least I'm not having to leave the room in the middle of the night because my brain awake and my husband is snoring like a frikin truck.
Today I feel really irritable. I don't know if its all the noise from the kids (excess stimulations) or what. I'm about to go try and sit outside and hope they don't follow me. I might have to take some tincture and see if it chills me out. I don't normally take it during the day...
Happy saturday~~
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