complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


❀ so things have been getting better

Medicinals: I've pretty much acclimated but I think I was recommended the wrong strain/type. I am able to function without the anxiety taking me over but I've been feeling... well... weird. I don't know how to say it any more than that. Just that I can function, and that's it. That should be enough but what I feel is more than what I can write down just now.

School: Eldest has been doing a homeschool through a local charter school. There are some great things about this school, but there are some bad things. I'm/we are trying to decide if the bad outweigh the good, and whether or not we should be pursuing our own "unschooling" curriculum. At present I'm leaning the other way around but I still need a little more convincing. Actually I don't think that's true. I think I just need to get over my fear of making the unorthodox decision that's the best for him, in my opinion, and I pretty much know what that is. Half the time he surprises me with what he's capable of and the other times I'm convinced that public schools just don't take into account kids like him with certain challenges. I think I'm just scared that his Label might even be getting in my way of making an objective decision concerning his education and capabilities. One thing thats for sure is we're under a lot of stress and playing catch-up with his school work that we don't have time to really concentrate on his needs. So that sucks.

These are the two biggest issues for me/us right now. There is more I could talk about but I don't necessarily want to write them all down now.

I did want to note that I went for a 2 hour walk along the river the other morning while Eldest was in classes. It was a lovely walk that turned into a dreadful experience by the end. I could barely move my legs the rest of the day, and could hardly even feel them. Still, I'm glad I did it since now I know NOT to do that particular loop again, haha. I really hate being chubbs right now.

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