complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


my experience so far with self medicating

I've almost finished my first batch of special cookies and brownies and I've decided that, while tasty, I do not like this method of medicating. It was impossible to get just the right amount of medicine.

And because I'm still adjusting to it, it can really hit hard and put me to sleep. So I try to only ingest a little bit during the day if I need it, and then a little more at night to help me sleep.

However, it is so hard for me to wake up in the morning - feels like when I would take Nyquil to get to sleep and it makes you feel hung over  the next day. I Hate that.

Anyway, there are lingering relaxing effects the next day with the cannabis and I notice it does help with the anxiety. A Lot! The downside is i might be sleepy and require coffee, something i decided needed to be given up due to the anxiety and other factors.

My poor baby looks depressed. She needs huggles.

The depression is another issue.

I'm currently researching both strains of cannabis and trying to figure if it's worth getting a supply of both and how I would best use them. (One strain is best for anxiety, the other for depression, and each strain has different effects - from what I've read so far.)

I don't even know where our dispensaries are here but when I find one I'll be picking up tinctures to try next.

I've also discovered that we have some fun looking cross-fit gyms in my area. I was initially turned off to cross-fit after watching some disturbing video of highly unsafe exercises, as well as much of the exercises are things you can technically do at home. Why bother going to a c-f gym for that?

Well I'm not a self motivator, I've known this for many years. I need to be held accountable. I need to be pushed by an outside force. I need to be in a somewhat competitive environment.

So I'll be researching my local cross-fits. My brain and fat, weak body would benefit greatly from the medicine of high intensity exercise.

Bahahaha, this makes me laugh so hard!

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