Turns out, I was right - it does nothing for keeping people in touch. (That, and I also don't trust FB.)
I especially loved the FB posts that were cryptic or even outright revealing, but the moment you asked a question about it ( 'cuz you're trying to Connect and shit, right?) the posts were either removed or you were just ignored, while others' comments were responded to. *If I just don't acknowledge her then maybe she'll just forget about her question. ^.^* And don't think PMs were any better.. they weren't
It's really ok, though. I'm glad. Unfortunately since I used FB like a blog reader I'm having to find 300 pages to add in a list on Twitter, lol. A bit tedious but OK. Sadly, some blogs/zines aren't even on Twitter. >.< I learned a long time ago not to use Twitter for friend connecting either. Both FB and Twitter have made me feel like a big loser, a failure, unimportant, and overloaded.
These analysis on the FB effect are so old and boring, I don't even want to get into it. Suffice to say, I'm only slightly upset I won't be conveniently connected whenever I want to be with, well, two people, maybe.
Another thing I'll miss are the groups. I belong to ONE group that involves an important topic to me. It's a topic that I don't have very many people to talk about with IRL so I'm a bit reluctant to leave. That said, I haven't been visiting the forum very often anyway so perhaps I can find another forum for this type of discussion. I just haven't looked yet.
I miss how simple the internet used to be. I remember when certain sites were new and everybody had a Blogger to post their vacation pictures, craft projects, and personal stories. Email was still useful for communicating instead of Logging into a site. Forums and group boards were the only thing out there similar to a FB. AOL messaging was so handy to keep in touch with internet savy friends.
What. The hell. Happened.
Monetization. =/ And speaking of monetization, I'm waiting to see what happens to Tumblr.