complex trauma sux


Just add kitties.

Highly sensitive with complex ptsd. Therapeutic journaling helps, but it can sometimes get overwhelming.


I was missing my Trinket today. I sometimes ask God to send me a kitty that needs a home and will enjoy being snuggled and sharing cuddles and purrs.❤️

I’m asking God to help us make a way to a property and space where the family can stay together, we can have animals, some farming etc. Cozy! But things are really crazy in our country and we may have to leave and travel to a safer place. So maybe it’s been a blessing that we never had our dream home/property. That way we wouldnt be heartbroken and resistant if God sends us away.


 Continued from:

I thought i was discovering who i am. I’ve never really known myself clearly, but i thought i was learning, thought i was changing. And maybe i am who i think i am, or more accurately who i would like to be. But perhaps there’s just too much baggage and damage for that to be possible.

I’ve been so confused, so stressed about what my future could be. Where do i fit? What’s my talent? How do i use it? It’s one thing to have an artistic talent or ability, but something else to overcome deep ingrained anxiety that has nothing to do with life-and-death situations overshadowing that talent. 

I don’t necessarily want to spend my life hidden away. There are things i want to do and accomplish but i don’t even know what that means anymore. 

Dreams were awoken since starting up school again a year and a half ago, and I’m starting to think I’ve gotten ahead of myself. I was happy to just learn theory and piano; i thought that was all i was going to do. Then choir happened. Then Mozart happened. Then flute lessons happened. And I’m overwhelmed, feeling pressure and pessimism that anything will come of my studies anyway. I’m old, I’m behind, I’m broke. I want so much to play h.i.p. early music ensembles but instead I’m learning modern flute because “i have to”. 

What do i even want?

Who even am i? Where do i even fit in this world? And does it even matter.

 I’ve had a bit of an existential crises today: